This best practice guide on Wai 262 provides a baseline for how scientists and researchers can best work with Māori communities. The Wai 262 claim has far-reaching implications across the RSI system. The claim asks scientists and researchers, both Māori and non-Māori, to: be informed and understand the complexities of the claim itself; to develop respectful relationships with kaitiaki, where kaitiaki leadership of taonga aspects of science projects is upheld; to move aside from leadership roles to ensure co-leadership across all aspects of science projects that do not involve taonga; to co-design projects with kaitiaki; to develop reciprocal and benefit sharing relationships with kaitiaki that build capacity and capability; and to develop a deep cultural understanding of how to be a ‘good guest and a good host’ as well as the porous boundaries between these standpoints.
A Wai 262 Best Practice Guide for Science Partnerships with Kaitiaki for Research Involving Taonga
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Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho